The pros and cons of using Substack for your business and email marketing – what you need to know before you sign up.
Get your site ready for 2025 – free website checklist
Website checklist to prep your site for 2025 What to change on your work with me or services page What to change on your about page What to change with old promotions and offers What to update with your emails General site checkups and updates When was the last time you checked out your website? […]
How to make better keynote, google and powerpoint slides
Where to find great slide templates for your virtual and in-person presentations, for recording content for online courses and to create downloadable guides and pdfs.
Should you create a new website or redo your current one?
I feel like a groundhog poking my head out looking for my shadow in search of a longer winter. I’ve had no less that four longtime clients reach out in the last week looking to do website refreshes. Maybe you’ve been feeling the itch to freshen your site up too. But before you throw the […]
Should you have a waitlist?
I often feel like I’m jumping through hoops to figure out how to work with someone when searching online. A simple contact form or waitlist can solve so many issues – and it’s one of the smartest and quickest ways to capture interest. Recently I was searching for a private pilates teacher. I […]
Providing realistic customer support when selling online products
I wanted to share a few things to remember if you do any sell any kind of digital products or offer online teaching and need to support customers and students. I’m friends with a lot of folks who handle online customer service (and I do a lot myself behind the scenes) and you’d be SHOCKED […]
Welcome Sequence Copy Tips
I always get asked about what goes into a great welcome sequence, so I thought it was high time I talked to one of my copy expert friends Marisa Corcoran. In this new quickie interview series I’m dubbing SMARTFRIENDS, Marisa and I chat about the power of welcome sequences, what you need to get […]
Genius time management tips for real people
Recently I asked some of my business friends their best time-saving tips. These are the time management tools that makes a huge difference in their working and personal lives. There’s a little something for everyone here – from calendar hacks and unexpected automations to smart task management tips and how to deal with email. I’ve […]
How to make modern business cards
While prepping for a couple of upcoming in-person speaking events, I figured it was high time to get my act together. Dusting off my *grown-up* clothes and finding something that covers the area beyond the zoom meridian. And heading off to to print new business cards (and update my almost-decade-old handout). When designing the new card, […]
Three free tech tools to explain yourself faster
Yesterday a friend sent me her latest design dilemma – she wanted some ideas around how to deal with an oddly spaced logo. I don’t really talk about my on-demand ideation and design fix-it services – but it’s something I’ve been doing more and more. These days I consult more than code – and I […]
New ways to encourage user engagement and customer retention with your course or membership
It’s one thing to create a course or membership site – it’s a whole other thing to get people motivated to engage with your content and keep going (and paying!) I’ve been working with some new ideas to infuse more fun (and make things easier) for students to engage with content inside of courses and […]
How to create an email opt-in challenge for lead generation
If you’ve been doing the online marketing thing for a while, you might be familiar with the “challenge” concept to get more leads and opt-ins. Typically this is an event of some kind that spans a series of days and the subscriber gets an email each day with a link to take a specific action. […]
How I created and launched a 5 figure mini-course in less than a week
I recently gave myself a birthday challenge to create and launch a product in 5 days or less. And thus, Launch Brain was born – my mini-course that gives all my insider tips and insights behind launching an online course. So meta, I know. Since I was in the midst of running two launches for […]
How to make, sell, launch (and re-launch) your ebook
Ebooks are one of my favorite “easy” win digital products to create and sell. I know not everyone loves e-books because they can be considered “low value” in a world of expensive courses and masterminds. But I love e-books for a few reasons:
What to consider when planning a website renovation
Looking to overhaul your website? Or maybe you’re in the process of rebranding your goods and services? Here are a few things to keep in mind when planning the next version of your site. Give yourself plenty of time to plan and execute A large website overhaul can take months (especially if there’s a lot […]
How to find, organize and repurpose your content
When I do strategic planning work with clients, I find that often they have NO idea just how much content they’ve already created over the years. So we’re going to dig deep to find those content nuggets you can rinse and reuse and take an accounting of what you’ve already created. Where to find your […]
The Guac Metric – 7 ways to increase your revenue so you can always get the guac
Somethings are universal. Like Chipotle It doesn’t matter if you’re vegan, paleo or keto. It’s a place pretty much everyone can agree on (unless you’re intermittent fasting…) A few weeks ago, I was sharing some tacos with a friend who just launched her fitness studio and is struggling to make ends meet. As we unwrapped […]
Where’s your easy button – how can you simplify and streamline?
I’m at a point in my life where I need things to be as easy and stress-free as possible. That’s why in every project, I’m always thinking about how I can simplify and streamline. How can it be simple? How can I eliminate confusion? What can I remove and still make it work? How can […]
The lurking danger of the (over) confident consultant
Ever gotten a “helpful” email from a so-called “expert” telling you that you need to change something on your site? Or maybe you hired someone you thought knew what they were doing…but instead they screwed everything up? These “helpful folks” are more than happy to share their suggestions about your site. Most of the time, […]
The sunk cost fallacy
Years ago I found best travel shoe ever. Black slip-on sneakers perfect for dealing with TSA lines. But Puma stopped making them about 5 years ago. I’ve scoured ebay and hunted deadstock. Put my name on waitlists and searched sketchy random sites in vain. Recently my final backup pair got a hole in the sole. […]
How to attract and retain high quality web design clients
One of my guilty vices is following various members of the Kardashian clan on instagram. There. I finally admitted it out loud. But you know what? They play the the marketing game almost better than anyone else – and they know how power and influence can make or break a brand. Recently I was scrolling […]
Why you shouldn’t build a big online course right now
I’m calling it – this is the year of the online course. It seems like everyone’s got a course (or in the process of making one…) So why shouldn’t you? I hear it from people all the time – they want to build a huge online course because they see the gurus do it. They […]
passive income and promoting your evergreen products
Passive income. The holy grail of online businesses. Products, courses and offers that make you money while you sleep. I’m here to tell you that there’s real work behind generating passive income! This week’s Minima question comes courtesy of one of my readers, Lucy. “Can you share how you launched your book and how you […]
The five things you need to test right now
Here’s the problem. You have a site, but you never visit it (or maybe you don’t keep it up to date) – so you don’t know that anything is wrong until other people tell you! Here’s how you can avoid the 5 biggest site mistakes I see all the time. 1. Contact form doesn’t work […]